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torsdag 15 april 2010

Complete Home knitting Illustrated..

.. damp ned i min brevlåda idag. Gissa om jag blev nöjd...

Såhär såg insidan ut av pärmen. Lovely..

Mycket tips och trix finns i denna bok. Bland annat om stickade knappar. Såhär står det:
1. Square Tailored Buttons- Knit twosmall squares for each button as described above. Oversew them together leaving a small opening for the stuffing. Stuff with cuttings of wool. Close the opening with oversewing, and finish the button with a firm line of back stich a short distance in from the edge.
5. Ring Buttons- Work a row of double crochet tightly all round a small bone or metal ring. Fill in the center with threads crossing from side to side and finish off with several stitches in the center.

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